version: MVP

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Mission statement

This site was born like many other things – out of a personal need. Every week and day, I talk to my fellow Product Managers, and we ask many questions. What can we do better? Why did we fail? How can we overcome the challenges? How to improve our work? How to help users better?

The answers are often somewhere out there. But the knowledge is scattered. Each of us follows different sources. We try to share findings, but it takes precious time. Not to mention that we miss so many great articles, podcasts, and videos. We could have much more knowledge and thus be much better Product Managers. That’s why the mission I created for this site is:

Provide a simple and convenient way to share and access reliable knowledge for all levels Product people

Let’s break it down a bit:

Simple and convenient – I want to remove the friction and the hassle of following many sources and save your time.

Share – It’s not only about taking but also about giving. If you found some excellent piece of content about Product Management – share it. If you created great content – share it!

Access – aside from the site, I work on two other channels – email and Chrome extension. I want you to use this site in a way that suits you best

Reliable knowledge – this is a tricky part. Two levels will help with that: community-sourced and assessment by editors. The first level is community. I trust that you will share only good content that, in your opinion, will help others. The next stage is the editor – the editor will check the content for uniqueness and quality. This way, you can be sure that the content you see is really the best.

All levels – from junior to CPO. Product management is constantly evolving, so you need to keep learning even if you are an experienced PM. And if you are starting, I hope you will learn a lot here.

Product people – product managers, product marketers, product analytics, and other product roles of all levels and types.

People – this page is not for bots or algorithms. It’s for you.


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