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Webinar: Who’s Managing Your Career? by Meta Head of Tech PM, Kaushik Sethuraman

by | Feb 10, 2023 | Career

Myths and Paradigms

  • A career is not just about strategizing and playing the game anymore; it’s about understanding the culture and thriving in it.
  • Carriers are not about laddering up and following the crowd; it’s about climbing in all different ways and doing it your way.
  • A career is not a path with specific milestones, pit stops, speed limits, etc.; it’s about setting a course and navigating to your favorite destinations.
  • Career growth is not dependent on your manager or managing up; it’s about how your circle of influence, peers, skips, and mentors know you, the real you.
  • Career growth is not about doing a lot of things all the time, it’s about doing what you love and loving what you do.
  • Career growth is not about navigating jungles and handling turbulence; it is about investing time, driving impact, and bringing people along.

Technical Program Management (TPM)

  • TPM blends process, product, and engineering management into one space.
  • TPM is a fascinating space that allows for career growth.
  • TPM is a combination of process, product, and engineering management.

Challenges and Opportunities in Technology Roles

  • Technical Program Management blends process, product, and engineering management into one space.
  • The different roles in technology can be applied to the type of career growth that one wants.
  • Technical skills can range from practical skills to expert technical skills.
  • Product skills are foundational and fundamental regardless of the type of roles that one plays.
  • Domain skills can vary and be applied to different domains such as healthcare or climate change.
  • Career growth can be achieved by rotating roles across domains and trying different combinations of process, product, technical program, and engineering management.

Career Growth through Cultivating Networks

  • Career growth happens through your circle of influence, peers, skips, and mentors knowing the real you.
  • Cultivating networks is important for career growth.
  • The speaker introduces a paradigm called ninja spiders and forests, which he will explain later.
  • Career growth is dependent on doing what you love and loving what you do.
  • Investing time, driving impact, and bringing people along are fundamental to career growth.
  • Career growth happens through your circle of influence, peers, skips, and mentors knowing the real you.
  • Fulfilling the performance management system in one’s company or wherever one works is essential for career growth.
  • Aligning with how one is doing and things will naturally and automatically follow through and help with one’s career.
  • It is important to take charge of your career and not rely solely on your manager to manage it.
  • If you think your manager is managing your career, you should think again.

Cultivating your brand

  • Cultivating your brand is important to career growth
  • It involves knowing who you are and who you want to be
  • Technical program management is an area that requires specialization
  • You can be a fixer, builder, connector, or scaler, depending on your skills and interests
  • Developing your persona and brand helps in career growth
  • You can switch between different roles or go deep into a particular role to become a specialist

What growth and success means

  • Growth and success mean different things in today’s workplace
  • There are myths and paradigms that need to be addressed
  • Career options and technology roles need to be considered
  • Growth needs sponsors, spaces and skills to nourish an individual’s career
  • Sponsors are individuals who invest in an individual’s potential and problems
  • Spaces are problems that an individual is invested in and knows well
  • Skills are attributes that are required for an individual to grow
  • Mentoring circles, managers, and self-reflection help in finding sponsors, spaces and skills
  • Success demands knowing your potential, finding your purpose, developing your skills and infusing passion
  • Turbo-boosting your core performance leads to landing impact and growing a group of heroes around you
  • Cultivating your network helps in building a cohesive group of people around you
  • Telling your story and tracking the trends helps in being successful


  • Networks are important for career growth
  • Successful music production requires an ecosystem of players
  • Cultivation of networks is important for a successful ecosystem
  • Successful technology product shipping requires an ecosystem of players
  • Cultivating your network is important for successful product shipping

Importance of having a great product team

  • Knowing the product score is important.
  • There are parallels between shipping great products and music.
  • To ship a great product, a great product team is necessary.
  • Becoming a great product manager requires investment in sponsors and engaged mentors.
  • Terrific teammates and committed partners are also important.
  • A great team is necessary to achieve more in one’s career.
  • Coaches are extremely important in our lives and can see in us what we can’t see ourselves.
  • Being on a great team is more important than just having a great manager.
  • Understanding the culture and knowing what actually matters is important.

Simplified career management

  • Career ladders are ancient.
  • Career management is more about growth rather than laddering up or down.
  • Building relationships with peers, mentors, and well-wishers is important.

You manage your career

  • The speaker emphasizes that it’s up to each person to manage their own career.
  • Your career is like a tree – it’s your responsibility to nurture and grow it.
  • The speaker uses the metaphor of a tiny quarkus rubus sapling growing into a strong oak tree to illustrate the growth of one’s career.
  • The speaker explains that your strong oak tree of a career can now nourish the micro-resolved Forest that it lives in.
  • This means that you can use your experience and expertise to help others grow in their careers.
  • By nurturing your own career, you can also create a positive impact on the industry as a whole.
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